Arbor Newsletter

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  • Sunday

    9:00 AM Sunday School

    10:00 AM Worship Service - Worship Center

    3:30 PM Adult Choir Practice - Choir Room

    4:00 PM ESL Mission

    5:00 PM Youth Missions - Family Life Center

    5:00 PM Meals & Messages - Family Life Center

    5:00 PM Bible Study - Worship Center


    5:30 PM Kids Choir - Choir Room

    6:30 PM RA's - Children's Department

    6:30 PM GA's - Children's Department

    6:30 PM Mission Friends - Children's Department

    6:30 PM Youth Bible Study - Children's Department

    6:30 PM ESL Mission - Social Hall

    6:30 PM Women's Bible Study - Choir Room

    6:30 PM Men's Bible Study - Family Life Center

  • 5th: Family Movie Night: 5:00 PM in the Family Life Center
    9th: Young at Heart Meeting - 11:30 AM in the Social Hall
    11th: Peanut Butter & Jesus - 7:45 AM at Christian Fellowship International
    12th: Ministry Fair - 5:00 PM in the Family Life Center
    17th: Ladies of Hope - 10:00 AM in the Social Hall
    25th: Men's Prayer Breakfast 8:00 AM in the Social Hall
  • As we close out 2024, thank you for your faithfulness to our church. I am proud to serve a wonderful church family. I am excited about 2025. We called Russell Whitehurst as an Associate Pastor to work with our men. Tia, Amber, and Beth are doing a great job in their ministries. Julie is the best Office Manager anywhere. Susan keeps our facilities looking great. I think we are headed for a great year. Russell mentioned he wanted our men to be alive in 2025. I believe that would be a super slogan for the coming year. We are praying Arbor will come Alive in 25.

    We had a tree split a couple of weeks ago. Andy Pridgen, Robert Griffin, Jamie Passmore, and Bobby Cobb jumped in and had it cut up and removed in a couple of hours. Thanks guys! Anthony Anderson removed a limb that knocked our cemetery sign down. Thank you!

    Our first special activity will be Sunday the 5th as we will have a movie night showing The Forge. I hope you will join us at 5:00. We want to start a church council. Please have one representative ready to put down any first quarter events you have planned.

    Let’s truly come “Alive in 25.”   

  • Amber’s ABC Kids

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior! I am so excited to see what the new year is going to bring!  I believe that God has a plan for each of us for this year.  He has a path that He wants us to follow and He wants us to be successful in reaching the goal that He has for us.  As we face each new day of this year and try to follow the path that God wants us to follow, we may find that it is a lot like trying to solve a puzzle.  We may often face difficult choices in deciding what God wants us to do.  We may have to make frequent changes in the direction we are going.  Sometimes we may find that we have made a wrong choice and we have traveled down a dead-end path.  When that happens, we have to back up and start over again!  Following the will of God for our lives is not always easy, but there is help available.  God is always there to help us if we will just ask Him to guide us.  In the book of Isaiah, God told His people, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'"  God is still there!  He is still behind us saying, "This is the way, walk in it."  We just need to be sure that we are listening!
    The children's department is gearing up for a fabulous year! Be on the lookout for more information! 

  • A new year means a new start for all kinds of activities! You are always welcome to join if you or someone you know is interested. 

    We will restart choir rehearsal on Sunday, January 12 at 3:30pm in the choir room. We are always looking for new members and you are welcome to come and see what it's about and there’s no better time than at the start of 2025.

    Young Adult Bible study will restart on Tuesday, January 7th at 6:30pm in the social hall. 

    We also meet every month with our adult singles so as always, keep an eye out for what’s next!


    What does new mean? Does it mean something that you buy that hasn’t been owned by anyone else? Does it mean something that has never been used before? New has so many meanings throughout all walks of life. Every time the new year begins, I think of the beauty of the gospel; how God has made us a new creation, unstained by sin. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that the old is gone and we are new. New. We look the same, we are the same person, but God calls us… new. We are not the same person at all. No, we are not used, not dirty, not pre-owned or tainted, we are made as if we are a completely new person, a completely new soul in Christ. Of all the miracles Jesus did in His time on this earth, that is one of the greatest. Taking an old, sin-stained, beat down sinner like me and making me absolutely new, unlike anything that has been before. May we step into the new year as His new creation and not the old of which He has freed us. God bless you and your family in the coming year of 2025; it’s going to be a good one! 

  • Ushers/Deacon

    Jan 5   Jeff Lewis, Walter Chaney, William McKinley, Brad King,

                Kenny Ray Davis, Jr., Sammy Reynolds, Tracy Nipper, Lee Cone,

                Brady McIntyre, Tim Fussell           


    Jan 12  Brian Hendley, Tracy Parker, Scott Hendley, Sammy Guy, Jim Clark,

                Allen Conger, Jr., Dwight Huggins, Andy Pridgen, Wyatt Pridgen,

                Kenneth Senn, John Wynn, Dwight Harman


    Jan 19  Matt Cleghorn, Brian Cobb, Jeff Kight, David Conger, Chris Wynn,

                 Vince Yarbrough, John Clements, Jarrett Yarbrough,

                 Blake Yarbrough


    Jan 25  Paul Henry, Adam Cobb, Bobby Cobb, Roy Bryan,

                Randy Hughes, Jamie Passmore, Aiden Bryan, Jacob Bryan,

                Jacob Cobb

  • 5th Wesley Kimbrell

    6th Elizabeth Aprozean, AllaBelle Capps

    7th Marcus Anderson, Madison Stone

    10th Mahlon Spears, Rhyan Ussery, Stephen Yarbrough

    12th Joanne Boggus

    13th Samantha Hill

    15th Bill Patterson

    16th Beth Troy

    19th Becky Rogers, Jay Whitley

    21st Taylor Studstill

    25th Bobby McLemore

    26th Lloyd Stembridge, Aniece Waldron

    29th Reese Wynn

    30th Shannon Reynolds

    31st Susan Brown, Lee Cone

  • Peanut Butter & Jesus: We meet the 2nd Saturday of the month at 7:45 AM at Christian Fellowship International. 

    Backpack Blessing needs volunteers to help pack backpacks. There is a signup sheet in the foyer or contact Paul or Susan Henry.