Arbor Newsletter

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  • Sunday

    9:00 AM Sunday School

    10:00 AM Worship Service - Worship Center

    3:30 PM Adult Choir Practice - Choir Room

    4:00 PM ESL Mission

    5:00 PM Youth Missions - Family Life Center

    5:00 PM Meals & Messages - Family Life Center

    5:00 PM Bible Study - Worship Center


    5:30 PM Kids Choir - Choir Room

    6:30 PM RA's - Children's Department

    6:30 PM GA's - Children's Department

    6:30 PM Mission Friends - Children's Department

    6:30 PM Youth Bible Study - Children's Department

    6:30 PM ESL Mission - Social Hall

    6:30 PM Women's Bible Study - Choir Room

    6:30 PM Men's Bible Study - Family Life Center

  • We had a good start to the school year. The children’s back to school bash was great. We had a good crowd for the ice cream social and movie night. The overall attendance for August was good. We are now back on our regular schedule. I hope you are making plans to join us. Senor Elite Sunday is coming up in September. This is always one of our favorite recognition services.

    We are also looking to do some remodeling in the coming months. I am excited about this. We will keep you updated. Our English as a second language needs a few

    volunteers. This has been a wonderful ministry. Please see Connie Sexton if you feel led to help in this exciting ministry.

    Have a nice month and a nicer forever!      

  • Amber’s ABC Kids

  • Peanut Butter & Jesus: We meet the 2nd Saturday of the month at 7:45 AM at Christian Fellowship International. 

    Backpack Blessing needs volunteers to help pack backpacks. There is a signup sheet in the foyer or contact Paul or Susan Henry. 


    The Ladies of Hope Card Ministry needs your help with monetary donations or $10.00 gift cards to fast food restaurants. This ministry has grown immensely as cards are sent out monthly to college students and to military members. Gift cards can be given to Karen Clark.